Entrepreneurs reboot for the new year

Entrepreneurs reboot for the new year


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

407 week ago — 6 min read

As the New Year, 2017 dawns, it’s time for entrepreneurs to look ahead and establish goals for the coming year. The transitioning of the year is an ideal time to step back, and take stock of life and business with the promise of making a change. That change might be small, or drastic, but all change with the intent of making a difference is meaningful. Goals that are challenging can help propel us to greater personal and professional heights. We catch up with a few entrepreneurs and ask them about their business & personal goals and what tips they have for aspiring entrants to the startup fold in 2017.


Amit Khanna Founder, AKDA


Business goal
As always, we are going to try and push for a more sustainable building agenda in our projects.  This year, we are going to limit the specification and use of plastics in our buildings.


Personal goal
As I approach my 40th birthday, I am going to try and be healthier and try and take more time off to travel to new places. 


Advice for the New Year

There is no substitute for hard work. Be willing to rise up to the opportunities that others will not.


Geeta Handa Managing Director, Nurture Organics


Business goal
There is always a new beginning after every ending, no matter what has been lost and we should always remember that there is always hope for betterment. Every year is a new chapter from what might have been. Open your eyes to what can be done in the new chapter as the best is yet to come. When we think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is hope with a new year and a new beginning.


We all set a lot of goals where some are successfully completed and some just remain as goals. In today's world where everything is being digitised, things would for sure be difficult for a while as the masses are still trying to digest what is happening. How it will play out and where we all stand is in the hands of the government with new goals being set by them every new day. With the new beginning the most important thing for my organisation Nurture Organics is to evaluate and improve our financial acumen so that we are in a better position to evaluate investments and results and understanding the demand and supply of the market. One has to be more vigilant in respect to sales and marketing and improvement on the networking front is required. We are on the verge of working on a new and very interesting project which will start with the coming year. We also have to understand the trends that will affect and change our industry in the forthcoming year.


Personal goal

My personal goal is always to improve my inner self and to be able to spread happiness around me and to make a positive difference in the life of others.

Advice for the New Year
Believe in yourself. All criticism should be welcomed, there is always someone who rejoices at disaster but you should see in it the prospect of a new beginning and a better world. You should always think that you can make it against all odds, against all logic.




Business goal

2016 has been hard work. It was an operations-centric year for us. I hope to re-boot more regularly in 2017. We plan to schedule quarterly downtime to bring fresh ideas to the business. And also the energy and excitement to execute ideas


Personal goal

Become a golfer, though not necessarily from a networking standpoint


Advice for the New Year

Focus your energy on what you believe in. Market conditions change and we need to adapt. However, if you continue to focus on your core strengths, you will grow even in a tighter economy. Stay passionate and for the long-term!


Yogesh Chaudhary Director, Jaipur Rugs Company


Business goal

Business is all about storytelling and we believe every handmade product has a story, especially a rug. This New Year will not be any different, except it will be more about people than rugs. We want to showcase real life experiences of lives behind handmade carpets. We will look at a lot more co-creations and exploring the untapped creative potential from the grassroots.


Personal goal

It is rightly said, “A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body”. I plan to stay fit throughout this year!


Advice for the New Year

One thing that I’ve personally learnt from my experience is that things will fall into place if one stays positive. It can surpass everything negative, if there is any at all. Being happy is the key. Happy New Year!


Sripal Bachawat Director, C-Square Info Solutions Pvt Ltd


Business goal

Our important business goal is to raise funds for the cloud business division of our company. For this the first prerequisite is preparing a plan which will club last 15 years of efforts into this one year.


Personal goal

My personal goal is to move from operations to a more strategic role in the company.

Advice for the New Year

Study users, do thorough ground work and only then create products & solutions. Do not just create a solution because you suffered for not having one.



Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured members. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the members.


Image source: Pixabay


Entrepreneurs reboot for the new year


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GlobalLinker Staff

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