5 Tips For Optimising Your Landing Page

5 Tips For Optimising Your Landing Page

Learning & Development

Anjan Purandare

Anjan Purandare

458 week ago — 4 min read

High bounce rates. Content marketers - everyone actually - hate to hear it. It is the single most demoralising metric in content marketing. You put in so much time and energy into creating and posting content, convinced it will bring results and many a glorious conversion, only to see it make itself comparable to a cricket chirping in a perfectly silent night.


All the content you create that takes users to your landing page should always results in good conversions and bounce rates. If it isn't, you've got to ask yourself why and implement some changes. Landing pages are the beginning of the conversion process.


Here are some tips you can use to better optimise your landing pages:


1. Keep It Simple And Direct


On landing pages, less is more. Give the customer exactly what they need and nothing more. Trim the edges. Lead their eyes to the CTA, having it run over the essential info and nothing more, giving it no chance to wander off elsewhere. This is the best way to engage with a potential customer.


2. Match Headlines and Calls-To-Action


Don't lie. Give the readers the truth. If you've advertised a trial offer, give them a trial offer with no fine print to make it difficult. You'll win many people over this way.


Don't be unclear in your ads. The content in the ads must reflect the information on the landing page. Users will be put off when they land on a page that doesn't match the service they were interested in. Make sure you use the same keywords and give them what they want without them needing to scour the entire page for it.


3. Build More Landing Pages


The numbers all point to the justification of creating more landing pages. More landing pages mean better chances of generating a lead. The payoff for a simple but tedious task is well worth it. You'll be convinced once you see the lead generation percentages rise.


4. Offer Offers


Discounts, free trials and early user privileges are great ways to attract customers and generate leads. A free trial tips the unconvinced customer into the good side. You can then have testimonials back your product or service up.


5. State The Important Stuff


Features, benefits, product details and pricing. These are the important things and these are things that the customers wants to know before going ahead with a buy. To aid your conversion rate, you'll also want to attach an image and a brief description.


Think of it this way: if you were a customer, what would you want to hear?


Creating an effective landing page isn't a particularly tough task, but it is absolutely necessary. If you want more conversions, you need to make it as engaging and succinct as possible without sacrificing the necessary details of the product or service. Follow the tips above and you'll see an improved conversion rate.


What do you have to add to this article? Let us know in the comments below.


Article and image source: http://www.ivyclique.in/article/Curation/5-Tips-For-Optimizing-Your-Landing-Page/NDUzNg==/TVRZMQ==


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Anjan Purandare

Ivyclique is a rapidly growing start up that is disrupting the content marketing space. We do product descriptions, blogs, reviews, omni channel marketing campaigns, in bound...