5 tips for working during Ramadan

5 tips for working during Ramadan

Health & Lifestyle

Rashid Malik

Rashid Malik

333 week ago — 3 min read

Ramadan is a holy month when believers fast during daylight hours. Fasting and working full-time may not seem reasonable, especially when the talk is about fasting for the duration of 30 days. However, with little preparation, you can enjoy the month of Ramadan without having to worry. The first thing you need to do is talk to your employer, colleagues or partners about your undertaking the fast and request that little extra support during this time.


Here is how you can go about it.


1. Inform your boss or colleagues

First things first, the earlier you inform your boss or colleagues the better. Bring it to their notice that the month of Ramadan is approaching, and you will be fasting. Any considerations around sleep as a result of fast times can be discussed to give you a little leeway in organising your workday. For example, maybe during the month of Ramadan scheduling meetings first thing in the morning may best be avoided given that Iftar is in the night and the sleep pattern is generally altered at this time.


2. Share your diet needs

Apart from this, it is always a good idea to tell the cafeteria people about any special needs that you might have for your diet during this period to see if they can arrange for it or not.


3. Spread awareness

Take the time to educate the people about this special time that is important to you. People grow closer through the sharing of culture and this also helps build understanding. You can also use this time to give back to charity or starting a CSR programme. As an employee, you can float this idea to your company.


4. Arrange for a small Iftar gathering

You can celebrate Ramadan at your home or by arranging for an Iftar gathering at your desk. This way you can easily spread awareness and at the same time have something to share with every person in your team. It is also a great opportunity to meet people, grow and strengthen your network and get quality time with people who are important to you.


5. Arrange for pre-Ramadan health checkups

It is always a great idea to go for a pre-Ramadan corporate health checkup package. Getting check-ups during Ramadan is also advisable if the fast proves difficult to keep.


These simple tips can help in making this holy month a time of greater introspection, prayer and self-discipline as well as ensuring that your work commitments are not compromised.


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Rashid Malik

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