Check out how AI dominated web and mobile apps in 2020

Check out how AI dominated web and mobile apps in 2020

Digital & Technology

Manav jain

Manav jain

197 week ago — 10 min read

The era of cutting edge technology demands tech giants and trendsetters to introduce innovative features in mobile applications. It is possible only when they integrate mobile app features with trending and immersive technologies so that the user can enjoy an excellent personalised experience. And one such technology is Artificial Intelligence.


Over the last few decades, we have seen many technologies that have immensely contributed to the leading industry verticals. Today, the generation demands access for information on-the-go, and so the mobile apps have been developed to meet and simplify human needs. Tech giants like Apple and Google are looking for ways to fuel innovation into more and more products and mobile applications. And, so developers have started integrating AI into mobile apps.


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According to IDC, worldwide spending on Artificial Intelligence Systems grew to $35.8 billion in 2019. The continued advancement of AI-related technologies will drive double-digit year-over-year spend into the next decade.


AI technology has been widely adopted in almost every sector like the healthcare, education, and finance sectors, now, it’s the mobile app development industry that provides one of the most promising areas for AI.


Let’s first understand the definition of AI.


What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence sometimes is also known as machine intelligence. It is the intelligence displayed by machines, unlike the natural intelligence demonstrated by human beings and animals.


AI is a great innovation that primarily focuses on developing intelligent machines that can ease and simplify human tasks. It seamlessly helps these machines to mimic human intelligence and offers extensive usage in areas of banking, speech recognition, and education.


Today, mobile app development companies in India consider AI as an integral part of app development and hire AI developers who build apps that display learning, reasoning, and planning traits. Other traits of these apps are knowledge, perception, and ability to manipulate data. The truth is that applications integrated with AI improve app performance and their success rate.


Here are the statistics that reveal how companies around the world are using artificial intelligence by integrating it into their web and mobile apps.


Also read: Why Artificial Intelligence and IoT will revolutionise manufacturing and predictive maintenance


Now, let us discuss how AI is enhancing web and mobile app technology.


Optimises the UX (User Experience)

Mobile applications integrated with AI enhances the user experience by offering them a better UX. One of the best ways through which you can optimize the UX is by using Google Lens.


Text and voice are some of the traditional search methods used by everyone so far. But, what if you don’t know how it is called or how it is spelled.


Let’s see how it works. It is as simple as using your smartphone camera. All you need to do is start the camera of your phone and point it to the object for which you require the information. The app will bring to you relevant and essential details about it. Thus, it automates your daily errands. Also, visual search using Google lens has proved to be faster and more accurate than the text or voice search. Developers are bound to build an image recognition system and a voice recognition system due to integrated AI in mobile applications.


Also read: Tips to design a better UX for blockchain technology


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mobile apps helps in predictions

AI-enabled mobile applications, especially eCommerce ones which are developed by a top mobile app development company in India increase the sale of your business. You might have noticed that once you shop from any of these eStores, you get consistent notifications about relevant products and their offers from time to time.


This is all because of pattern detecting AI algorithms that predict the client’s search history and give you recommendations accordingly.


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Enhanced mobile app authentication

By the time the popularity of AI has been widely accepted by the commercial and other organisations. But, the sad phase being cybercriminals are taking full advantage of it to harm the security and personal data of its users.


AI, coupled with ML and deep learning algorithms, provide users with a smooth experience as they are frequently being updated about the possible threats in real-time.


Improved security with face unlock

In September 2017, Apple launched the face unlock feature for its iPhone X users. It uses the AI-based algorithm for its face unlocking system that identifies the owner’s face even if there are facial changes like beard, specs, or anything else. Also, Google declared a radar-based hands-free gesture for unlocking the face of its users that claims to unlock the phone in any orientation.


Netflix uses AI for a better content recommendation

You might wonder that despite several logins into the same Netflix account, the users get different programs recommendations accordingly. This is because of the Netflix recommendation system that works on machine learning and AI.


The personalised recommendation system works by analyzing the user's rating and rankings are given to the products based on a scale between 1 to 5. The report by a Netflix’s Senior Data Analyst says that 75 percent of the Netflix users select movies based on the company’s recommendations,


Alexa pushing AI to mobile

Alexa has established its own unique space in the market, while at first, it has marked its presence in the home of many individuals. Now, Amazon is planning to transition Alexa to the outside world beyond the confined rooms of its lovers.


The famous automobile company “FORD” has teamed up with Amazon so that it can bring our very own Alexa to its cars. Amazon aims to bring AI-enabled Alexa in our day to day lives so that it can personalise and streamline the user experience.


It can teach itself how to code

AI can write the code itself, Sounds weird! But yes! This is true. Neural networks can code, companies like Google and Microsoft have their own AIs and ML to learn how to write code.


AI Voice Interface for IoT

AI and IoT coupled together to create a personalised experience for its users by integrating the AI voice interface with the Internet of things. The data is collected from the user in the real-time, and AI leverages this real-time data to deliver an enhanced user experience.


IoT, in combination with AI, reduces the app development time significantly and leads to better utilisation of resources and higher efficiency. When combined, they free up employee bandwidth. It helps in strengthening the security measures because the future of mobile apps more or less revolves around these connected devices.


Also read: The future of Internet of Things: 7 predictions about the IoT


Boosts the personalised user experience

Digital apps and interfaces are dependent on some personalisation so that the users remain engaged and interested. Nowadays, app users expect their applications to deliver unique experiences through content, accessibility, ease of use, user interface, or any other useful features.


The entire credit goes to AI, as it makes the personalisation of the user experience much better.


Content recommendations and personalized products by the AI-enabled algorithms are one of the ways through which user experience can be personalised. They predict user behavior and preferences and provide them with user notifications accordingly.


The bottomline

Above, you saw the benefits of AI on web and mobile apps in 2020, these were some of the benefits of artificial intelligence in web and mobile applications which are driving a whole new class of mobile app possibilities.


While the needs of users are changing with time, AI has been dominant in app development for about a decade already, and at the same time, machine learning (ML) has already stepped out of its infancy. Organisations embracing AI will see a revolutionary shift in their business in the way that companies, developers, and users think about intelligent interactions within mobile applications.


Amid all these sensational and emerging technologies, the future is undoubtedly going to be promising and worth the wait as AI is with you now and will be with you into the future.


So, if you also wish to integrate AI into your web and mobile app, hire AI developers and let your users have a personalised and intuitive experience.


Also read: The fatalistic impact of silos on Artificial Intelligence


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