Hyderabad-based woman entrepreneur curates sustainable alternatives to daily use products

Hyderabad-based woman entrepreneur curates sustainable alternatives to daily use products

SME Inspirations

Malavika Jaggi

Malavika Jaggi

187 week ago — 6 min read

Enterprise: Wudbox
Founder: Charu Dhyani
Industry: Lifestyle, Leisure & Home Décor
Year it was founded: 2017
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

There are some career paths one chooses and then there are other paths that choose one, as they align perfectly with one’s thoughts, beliefs, and vision.


Charu Dhyani is a Hyderabad-based entrepreneur and founder of Wudbox. From unique handcrafted products, bath and beauty range, accessories, jewelry, to clothing and home and living items—Wudbox features an eclectic mix of eco-friendly products sourced from handpicked vendors.


In a world obsessed with the hyper present, Dhyani has a definite vision for the next decade and that is to create a better 2030 through one single act—buying mindfully.


In the run-up to Women’s Day, GlobalLinker (GL) spoke to Charu Dhyani (CD) and she shared with us her ideas for sustainable living along with her business journey.


GL: Can you tell me more about your business? What motivated & excited you to start it?

CD: Over the last 50 - 60 years, we have caused more damage to the earth than all the previous years combined, primarily because of our buying choices, mindless consumption, and use-and-throw attitude. Reversing this change is not as difficult as many people feel. It is not dependent only on large organisations or big institutions, but even simple choices by each one of us.


With a belief that for the world to change for the better, each person needs to be more mindful and conscious of their buying choices, I started Wudbox three years ago. As an organisation we are dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals of ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’, ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’, ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’, and ‘Life Below Water’.


Wudbox has been recognised at the Women Economic Forum, FICCI Flo, and She The People, and this only pushes us to do more and better.


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GL: How does your business differentiate itself in the industry?

CD: We are probably the first mindful consumption brand in India. And it is not just a fancy term, we truly believe in this ethos and promote it through all our actions—right from manufacturing, sourcing, customer interactions to delivery. We may not be having same-day delivery, no questions asked returns or massive discounts, but we truly value our customers and try our best to provide them with more ethical and natural alternatives to everyday items.


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GL: What are challenges for your business to grow bigger, better, and faster from here? What are you doing to tackle them?

CD: Awareness about sustainability is still not widespread. There is growing consciousness about climate change and environmental protection, but it needs to be even more. People still want discounts and cheap machine-made products, even though they are immensely damaging to our planet.


We may not be having same-day delivery, no questions asked returns or massive discounts, but we truly value our customers and try our best to provide them with more ethical and natural alternatives to everyday items.


Scaling is a factor of multiple things like the right team, adequate resources, and the right product mix and we are working hard to improve each of these areas.


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GL: How has GlobalLinker helped your business?

CD: As a platform, GlobalLinker is a great place to network and find other business people and founders. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely and difficult at times, but with GlobalLinker, you get to meet other like-minded people and connect with a larger community of similar people.


This networking is very helpful and beneficial for the business as it increases meaningful discussions and promotes collaborations.


GL: Could you name 3 things that have been instrumental to your success?

CD: I have been lucky to have a great team working with me. Sure, there have been changes in the team but all of them have been committed and very hardworking.


Inner peace and patience have been instrumental in this journey and with everything happening around us, this feeling has been very supportive.


Being an entrepreneur can be lonely and difficult at times, but with GlobalLinker, you get to meet other like-minded people and connect with a larger community. This networking is very beneficial for the business as it increases meaningful discussions and promotes collaborations.



GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur?

CD: Patience is very important, as things will not be achieved overnight. There are no instant successes—people who have been overnight successes have actually worked before that night and then tasted success. Build your idea and let it evolve over time and become bigger.


Chase the dream and not the money. One sure-shot way of failing both mentally and actually is by chasing money.


GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.


  • Every day you wake up at - 5:30 AM
  • The first thing you do when you wake up - Exercise and meditate
  • Things you do to unwind - Read, listen to music, and drink ginger tea
  • When you face a big challenge, you - Gather my team and strategise
  • The best piece of advice you've ever been given - Create processes and be process-driven
  • A book every entrepreneur should read - The Secret by Rhonda Byrne


Also read: Here’s a mobile app that incentivises youth with rewards to save the climate


Network with Charu Dhyani by clicking on the 'Connect' button on her GlobalLinker profile.

Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member.
