Sunrise Electrical and solution was established in 2014. The Company was incorporated as an Industrial Trading House and is a group of professionals having vast experience in Trading and Marketing of various type of electrical goods. Sunrise Electrical and solution is a leading stockist and supplier for all sort of Electrical items of various reputed makes. Our aim is to provide complete satisfaction to our valued customer’s despite-off stiff competition in the Market. Some of Our reputed makes.
Manufacturering of wire and cable,conduits pipe,led lights
Distributors for Quality Electrical products Schneider Electric India Pvt Ltd Minilec India Pvt Ltd RR Kabel Global
At TNL (The Net Linkers), we started as manufacturers of various cables for connecting two devices.... be it computer to computer, mobile device to computers or connecting the internet to a computer or a mobile device.It has always been a journey for TNL... we do not aspire to reach the destination, as there is no limit to our aspirations and so are the opportunities available... we at TNL are exploring them!!!
Electricals & Electronics: Overview
The Electricals and Electronics sector consists of electrical devices, radio equipment and telecommunications industries. This includes mobile phones, the mobile network infrastructure, tv sets, wireless routers, sensors etc.
A growing base of Electricals and Electronics businesses are part of the GlobalLinker platform. This includes business owners in the following categories — Battery & Storage Devices, Connectors & Terminals, Consumer Electronics & Home Appliances, Electrical Equipment & Parts, Electronic Parts & Equipments, Equipments, Parts, Services & Automation, Home Appliances, Industrial Electric Fans & Coolers, Motors & Components, Repair, Maintenance Services & Equipment, Robotics & Automation, Semiconductors, Switches, Sockets & Relays, Wires & Cables.
GlobalLinker offers Electricals and Electronics businesses rich opportunities to showcase their business; network with other business owners; find customers, partners and suppliers; digitise their services; increase their export capability; benefit from a host of knowledge resources and events; and avail of special offers for their business growth.