Andrea Joana Celis .  


Antipolo, Philippines

5 Connections

Operations Management

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We'll get it done for you!

JAD Virtual Assistance started as a humble team of three. It was founded by Andrea and Joseph, who knew that hard work, dedication, and experience were the keys to success. After many years in this field, Andrea knew what it takes to build a team of amazing people who are committed and can deliver amazing results. Just months after the establishment, more clients started signing up, and more team members were added. We are currently working with clients from the US and Canada across 20+ cities. JAD's first year has been fruitful and productive and our goal is to grow bigger in years to come!

Incorporation Type

Sole Proprietorship

Year of Establishment

March 2021

Nature of Business

Service Provider / Professional Services / Contractor

No. of Employees

1 - 10 People

Annual Turnover ₱10 MM - ₱50 MM

Industry BPOs, KPOs & Outsourcing > Service Outsourcing

Location(s) Antipolo (Philippines) |

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    our products/services

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    your products/services

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Digital Address

Key Contacts

Andrea Joana Celis




Primary My Location

Head-office/Primary office

Antipolo, Rizal, Philippines, 87
Antipolo Rizal province 1870

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Why should I Sign Up on GlobalLinker?

GlobalLinker is a valuable resource for SMEs looking to grow their businesses. The platform offers a variety of tools and resources to help SMEs digitise their operations, connect with potential customers and partners, and access exclusive deals and discounts.


Here are some of the benefits of using GlobalLinker:


Digitised online presence: You can build your online presence and catalogue from GlobalLinker. You can enable your catalogue to receive inquiries or payments, and share your catalogue with your existing clients to digitise your order management.


Increased inquiries/sales: You can connect with potential customers/businesses from all over the world and explore new markets, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business.


Improved efficiency: You can digitise your operations and streamline your business processes with tools like, Supply chain management solutions, BrandLinker. This can save you time and money, and allow you to focus on growing your business.


Enhanced networking: You can connect with potential partners and suppliers. This can help you grow your business and reach new markets.

Access to exclusive deals: GlobalLinker partners with reputable organisations to offer exclusive deals and discounts to its members. This can save you money on products and services that you need for your business.

Can I track my business performance on GlobalLinker Seller Platform?

Yes, GlobalLinker Seller Platform provides tools to monitor your sales and inquiries, helping you make data-driven decisions to grow your business.

How can I find potential suppliers for a product or service?

Searching for new business links on GlobalLinker is very easy. Follow the below simple steps:

  • Post signing in, select the ‘Connections’ icon (next to ‘Home’ icon) from the Menu.
  • Select 'Add Connections' from the right and enter the products and services you are looking for. eBiz Cards of those who match your requirement will show up dynamically, and you may review their profiles and invite them to connect with you
  • Additionally, you may narrow the selection by selecting location, industry etc. If you are looking for someone specific, you may enter the details in the ‘Add Connections’ search bar

Note: You may use the 'Recommended' section at the bottom of the 'Search Connections' page to view our suggestions based on your industry and products and services you offer and seek

What are the documents that I need to submit to register on the platform?

A business owner or an authorised representative can simply sign up, and submit most commonly accepted government issued documents to get the business profile verified on the platform. 


List of documents accepted: 

India: GST, Company PAN

Philippines: DTI/ SEC + BIR 2303

UAE: Trade License 

Sri Lanka: Business Registration + NIC

About BPOs, KPOs & Outsourcing

BPOs, KPOs & Outsourcing: OverviewA growing base of BPOs, KPOs & Outsourcing businesses are part of the GlobalLinker platform. This includes business owners in the following categories —  Business Process Outsourcing, Call Centres, Data Processing, Knowledge Process Outsourcing, Service Outsourcing GlobalLinker offers BPOs, KPOs & Outsourcing businesses rich opportunities to showcase their business; network with other business owners; find customers, partners and suppliers; digitise their services; benefit from a host of knowledge resources and events; and avail of special offers for their business growth.

Andrea Joana Celis

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