Get Yourself Organised: 6 Pointers To Get You On Your Way

Get Yourself Organised: 6 Pointers To Get You On Your Way

கற்றல் & மேம்பாடு

Anjan Purandare

Anjan Purandare

463 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு — 4 நிமிடம் படிக்க

Being systematic and organised in life isn’t a necessity for achieving success. After all, there are plenty of unorganised people who have no difficulty in finding their way through the mess - it just comes to them naturally. Career development, personality development - they can be managed without being organised, though it is hindered. But if you are one of those people who can’t manage to work your way out of the clutter and the confusion, and as a result, find your work and home life being impeded by them, it may be time to try out these tips to get more organised in life.


1. Create an Organisation System


If you regularly find yourself scrambling among your things looking for something you can’t remember where you put, it is probably time for you to draw up a new organisation system. You shouldn’t be burdened by the fact that other people seem to get by without having any such system – the truth is that you can’t, and trying to pretend you can isn’t going to get you anywhere. Set up a new system of organising your belongings – choose anything that you feel comfortable with and that helps you, no matter how simple or complicated. But a system should be in place to help you locate things when you need them, and not have you running around pulling out your hair because you think you’ve misplaced it.


2. One Notebook To Rule Them All


It might be intuitive to keep separate notebooks for different aspects or project, but it is advisable to go against your intuition in this instance. More notebooks means more stuff that you have to carry around and remember where you put – and you can’t even carry all of them around all the time. Instead, carry one notebook that is a repository of all the information you need. You can organise your notes in a way that you don’t mix things up by making indexes or color coding them.


3. Know Your Daily Goals


Knowing the task that you’re going to complete on a certain day helps you be prepared for the stuff you’re going to need to accomplish it.


4. Remember the Dates


For everything you buy, put down the date on which you open it. This will help you keep track of how soon you run out of things, and you won’t find yourself in a crucial situation where you desperately need something but realize that you forgot to buy it.


5. Organise Your Fun Too


Being organised is about consistency – you need to be uniform in how you run all aspects of your life. So if you have an organisation system for your work, why not do the same with your leisure time as well? Draw up your weekend’s schedule before heading into it and make sure you spend enough time having fun!


6. Ask Yourself Why


If you think that you are getting more and more disorganised, you need to take a step back and ask yourself why you want to be organised. Is it because you’re losing productivity and can’t get things done in time? Is it because you keep forgetting to do things? Is it because you can never find anything that you’re looking for? Answering this simple question honestly will help you confront the most pressing issue and make you think up a strategy to deal with it.


All self-improvement articles and self-improvement blogs stress the importance of being organised. Apply these tips in your life to get more organised, or give them to a friend who’s always mired in clutter!


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Anjan Purandare

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