Why your ecommerce business needs digital marketing

Why your ecommerce business needs digital marketing


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

සතියකට පෙර 143 — අවම 4 කියවීම

Ecommerce is thriving in the new normal. The Indian ecommerce industry has been on an upward trajectory. The online retail market is estimated to be 25% of the organised retail market. Clearly selling online is now a growth imperative for most businesses. But it is not enough to just have an ecommerce store. You need Digital Marketing to promote your eStore.

Ignoring Digital Marketing is like opening an ecommerce business but not telling anyone. Let’s look at some of the reasons why your eCommerce business needs digital marketing.

1. Market your products online

Digital Marketing has become imperative for ecommerce businesses as it offers both reach and return on investment. Digital Marketing has revolutionised buying, selling and marketing of products and services as it can all be done online now.

Most businesses have their own social media pages in addition to their website where they can promote products, increase customer engagement, and build a loyal customer base.


2. Reach multitudes in one go

As there is a huge growth in online users, you can reach multitudes in one go through the digital medium. Your customers are online which means that you should be online. Digital marketing tools can pull targeted customers, to your eStore at the right time.


3. Improve market reach

In this competitive world, standing tall in the crowd is tough since every business uses digital marketing including large corporations and top brands. To survive, every business, big or small, needs to have a smart digital marketing strategy for their business. This ensures that your products are marketed to the right audience.


4. Impact buying behaviour

Your digital marketing strategy determines the customers you attract and buying behaviour. To survive competition, ecommerce businesses need to adopt diverse digital marketing channels and tactics that attract and retain their customers.

You can increase loyalty by giving free products, sharing insightful videos, and even interacting with your audience through polls and online discussions.


5. Increase in sales

Digital marketing helps to get more sales traction in a short span. As it is an easy way to interact with customers, it helps in saving time, money, and marketing efforts.

Advertising your product to the right demographic will ensure that people are drawn to your products and services. And if they like what you have to offer, you’ll develop a loyal customer base.

6. Comparatively less expensive

Small and medium-scale businesses have limited budgets. Traditional marketing mediums like print, direct mail, outdoor marketing, telemarketing, broadcasting, etc., are generally much more expensive than digital marketing.

In digital marketing, all you need to do is invest initially for a campaign or marketing. You need not even invest in experts, as there are a host of do-it-yourself digital marketing hacks. Thus, digital marketing return on investment (ROI) is much better than traditional marketing channels.

To get your ecommerce marketing strategy off the ground, we are organised a special webinar on do-it-yourself digital marketing tips to grow online sales. Watch the webinar recording below!


Image source: Canva

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