3 Practical Tips to Survive Mompreneurship

3 Practical Tips to Survive Mompreneurship


Viviene Bigornia

Viviene Bigornia

සතියකට පෙර 308 — අවම 2 කියවීම

Motherhood has got to be the hardest thing I had ever experienced in my life. And then there's business - another roller coaster ride! When you put them together, it almost turns any mom nuts!

I had often wondered, is it ever possible to be a successful Mompreneur? Guess what... it is! Here are some quick practical tips that might help you in your journey: 


1.    Ask help

 If you are tired, rest. If there are so much to do, ask help. It's not a weakness to ask help; it is being responsible for your well-being! 

To do:
 What household chores can you delegate to your husband? Are there days in the week your parents could take on caregiving for your children? List them down and please don’t forget to ask for help. 


2.    Outsource

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) is probably going to save you some money. But that is at the expense of time away from your family and your sanity. Nope, it doesn't seem like a good deal. Maybe for ashort term, but never for a long term.

Stop beating yourself up with your taxes, hire an accountant. Getting sleepless nights to create content for your social media? Get a manager to do that! 

To do:
 Analyze your business process. Are there tasks you can already outsource? Ask other SME owners which task they usually outsource or delegate.


3.    Take care of yourself

You can't give what you don't have. If you are like a melted candle day in and day out, there is no way you can serve your family at your best. When you are tired and overwhelmed, motherhood becomes messy! 

To do:
 List the things that help you feel relaxed. Pick one of them and do it within the next 3 days! 

How about you, what other tips can you share to our mompreneurs?



විසින් පළ කරන ලදී

Viviene Bigornia

I help ambitious women pursue their dreams thru workshops, goalsetting, mastermind, tools and resources inside an exclusive community.

Viviene ගේ පැතිකඩ බලන්න

මේ සතියේ වැඩිපුරම කියෙව්වේ