5 easy ways to grow your business network on GlobalLinker

5 easy ways to grow your business network on GlobalLinker

GlobalLinker සහාය

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

සතියකට පෙර 244 — අවම 5 කියවීම

For any growing business, networking with other businesses, customers, groups, or communities is necessary to explore new growth opportunities. In today’s digital age, GlobalLinker is a unique online platform you can leverage to network effectively with other business owners by making new connections, communicating with your business partners, reaching out to potential customers and suppliers and being found by prospects.  

Here are some simple practical tips to your business network on GlobalLinker:


1. Update your business profile

The first step to get noticed is by updating your online profile. Make sure your profile has enough information about your business. Include your business description, product/ service details, website link, awards, and other unique information about your business. Remember, your online profile reflects your business identity, so you have to make sure that all information is correct and comprehensive. Updating your GlobalLinker profile not only makes it easier for potential clients and partners to find you, but it can also help you in identifying suppliers and buyers for your business.

Also read: A free and vital marketing tool you are underutilising


2. Use your digital business card (eBiz Card) as your email signature

Do you have a digital business card? When exchanging emails, you can include this electronic business card to your signature so you can easily be remembered by the person you are corresponding with.

As a GlobalLinker member, you can create your own eBiz Card for free and incorporate this as your email signature! In this way, your email message can stand out from other messages.

Also read: Use your email signature as a powerful marketing tool

3. Join a Group

Joining groups related to your industry or your interests can help you discover like-minded people with whom you can exchange ideas, expertise and tips.  Actively engaging and interacting with the group can expand your connections which means more people can get to know about your business.

Building positive business relationships can in turn lead to further business growth through referrals, introductions and endorsements.

On GlobalLinker, you can find business groups by clicking on 'Groups' or you can use the search functionality to find a group related to your interest or industry.


4. Share quality content

For people to notice you and your business in the online world, you must establish yourself as an expert by posting quality content related to your industry. You can start by writing articles that offer tips, effective strategies, and other useful information. This will help build your online reputation as an industry expert who is generous enough to share quality content.

You can start writing on GlobalLinker through the Knowledge section where you can also read other business articles on a host of topics. To submit your article, click on ‘Knowledge’ and proceed to ‘Write an Article’.

5. Be genuinely interested in others and stay active

In his book ‘How To Win Friends and Influence People’, Dale Carnegie has observed, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

Genuine interest in other’s achievements, queries, articles and discussions builds greater connections and opens many more opportunities. So next time a fellow entrepreneur posts an article or a business milestone, take the time to comment and congratulate your peer.

Also, be active in responding and communicating with links in your network. Your links may post an event, share an endorsement, seek an introduction or send you a direct message. A prompt response to these builds trust.

Building positive business relationships can in turn lead to further business growth through referrals, introductions and endorsements. It has been rightly said, in business, your network is your net worth!

What are your tips to optimize your online network for business growth? Share your tips in the comment section below!


Image source: shutterstock.com

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