Alok Vedi & Ruchit Jain, Founders, Growider Media LLP

Alok Vedi & Ruchit Jain, Founders, Growider Media LLP

SME Inspirations

Malavika Jaggi

Malavika Jaggi

267 week ago — 5 min read

Enterprise: Growider Media LLP
Founders: Alok Vedi, Ruchit Jain
Industry: Marketing, Advertising, PR
Year it was founded: 2017
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

Growider Media is an integrated media agency that helps to create, grow and nurture brands. Alok Vedi and Ruchit Jain are the founders of Growider and they are committed to being ‘passionate caretakers of brands’ by creating tailor-made campaigns for their clients.

Ruchit speaks to GlobalLinker (GL) about the inception of Growider and its journey thereafter.

GL: Ruchit, tell us how you and Alok decided to join hands and start Growider?

Alok and I had been working in the advertising domain at different companies and cities. But the thought of working together on something bigger was lingering since our college days. All we needed was the right time and mindset. Four years later, this thought grew on us and here we are.

Alok Vedi & Ruchit Jain, Founders of Growider Media LLP
Growider founders having a discussion


GL: In a crowded marketplace, what has been the most effective way of raising awareness about your business?

Frankly speaking, it’s our work. We thank our clients for being our voice and referring us to their connections. However, we also worked on our basics like setting up a good website, SEO, social media marketing and more. We also get leads and good response on our Instagram handle.


Also read: Sundari Patibandla, Founder-CEO, iSprout Business Centre


GL: What are challenges for your business to grow bigger, better and faster from here and how are you tackling these?

Ruchit: From our end, it’s about finding the right resources who can drive forward our vision. And from our prospective clients’ end, it is the awareness about how much potential any business can unlock through the right way of marketing.

Clients come with a range of issues to work with marketing agencies; most common one being the dilemma of signing a 6 months or year-long contracts. We completely understand their inhibitions. That is why, we ask them to start small. Start with a test campaign or a monthly plan. We think no client would turn back on us if our services have been helpful.

Growider Team Meeting
Growider team having a brainstorming session


GL: You are a Linker. Which offerings of GlobalLinker have helped you?

GlobalLinker helps us be up to date with the market. We get to know other SMEs and reach out to them to create a connection.

GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur setting up their first business?

It is good to go ahead with your gut feeling and intuition. This feeling is what pushes your buttons so don’t leave it behind in the times of despair. Keep believing in yourself and be patient. Having said that, it is equally important to support that feeling with good amount of research for a long run in the market. Makes you feel more confident about everything, that’s all.

Also read: Yosha Gupta, Founder, Memeraki

GL: What is the next big thing on your business agenda?

Get clients from other parts of the world. Yes, we are planning to go global with our services and extend the spectrum. After all, we are in a digital age which allows us to connect with anyone from anywhere in the world. So, what should be stopping us?

GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.

  • Every day you wake up at – 7am or 7:30am
  • The first thing you do when you wake up - Check my mails and plan my day ahead.
  • Three things you do to unwind/ relax - Vipassana meditation, lawn tennis and therapeutic cooking.
  • When you face a big challenge - I make myself conscious about it, take a deep breath and then try to focus on the viable solutions rather than the problem statement.
  • The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given - “Failure may come to you again, but train yourself to make sure that you are well-prepared this time”
  • The one book everyone should read - The Difficulty of Being Good: On the Subtle Art of Dharma by Gurcharan Das

Also read: Anu Acharya & Subash Lingareddy, Founders, Mapmygenome India

Network with SMEs mentioned in this article by clicking on the 'Connect' button on their profile. Alok VediRuchit Jain


Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured members. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the members.

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