COVID-19: A change of direction for MSMEs

COVID-19: A change of direction for MSMEs


Lerma Ermitanio

Lerma Ermitanio

233 week ago — 4 min read

PIVOT – in its simplest definition is a change of direction.

This must be a word that is very apt for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) like me in this very challenging time.


As many of you know, Belle Âme Essentials, my business, mostly supplies to events. And when COVID-19 pandemic hit our country, the events industry is one of the many that greatly suffered.


Zero sales. Order cancellations. This is what event suppliers like me faced. It was disheartening and frustrating, but I know God has His purpose for everything.


My lockdown journey

For the first couple of weeks of enhanced community quarantine, I took my much needed rest and tried to manage my anxiety. I binge-watched on Netflix, slept ‘till I got tired of it, caught up with some friends online, etc.

Also read: Top 10 movies entrepreneur must see during lockdown

But even though I eased off my pace, I still made it to a point that I got a daily dose of learning and motivation from whatever resources I could get hold of.

I pushed myself and fought my demons. I knew I shouldn't lose that entrepreneurial spirit and so do the members of my community. So while I was trying to reignite the fire in them, I was doing some inner works as well.


Even after this lockdown period, things won't go back to how it used to be. A new normal will emerge. And for businesses, this means a change in consumer behavior. As entrepreneurs, we need to adapt.

While I was quietly and passively cruising through the ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) period, my AHA moment came. BOOM! Praise God for showing me that door of opportunity and directing me to the right people! Restless mind again - but for a good reason. 


The pivot

Early this year, I was really planning to change BAE's (Belle Âme Essentials) business structure/direction (my close friends knew this). Little did I know that I will be ‘forced’ to do this sooner, and with clearer and better direction. It’s not what I originally planned, but it's way better.

Apparently, even after this lockdown period or the pandemic is over, things won't go back to how it used to be. A new normal will emerge. And for businesses, this means a change in consumer behavior.

Also read: Managing cash flows during a period of crisis

As entrepreneurs, we need to adapt so I chose to pivot. Pivot, I do.

It may not be something grand yet. (I am taking baby steps!) But no matter how small this might seem for some, this is still super special for me.

The new direction for the brand I built from scratch, a brand new start - this is all momentous for me. 

I hope all of you will support the shift Belle Âme Essentials is taking, like how you have been supporting this baby for 5 years. (Yes, we are turning 5!)

This week, we are releasing a new product. This marks the shift and we are excited! 

Trust that despite the change, of course, we would perpetually stand true to our brand's promise - creations from the heart, always. 


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To explore business opportunities, link with me by clicking on the 'Invite' button on my eBiz Card.

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Lerma Micua Ermitanio

MOMpreneurs Club PH founder / Entrepreneur / Mother

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