Dipankar Ghosh, Director, Disrupvation Digital Pvt Ltd

Dipankar Ghosh, Director, Disrupvation Digital Pvt Ltd

SME Inspirations

Supriya Mathur

Supriya Mathur

276 week ago — 7 min read

Enterprise: Disrupvation Digital Pvt Ltd (Brand name - The Go-To Guy!)

Founder: Dipankar Ghosh

Industry: Business Services & Consultancy

Year it was founded: 2018

Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

They call themselves #TheRebrandingExperts and #TheMarketingEvangelists. Meet Dipankar Ghosh who is helping companies build their brand identity and improve their digital presence in the market.


GL: Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey. How did you venture into marketing and branding?

Dipankar: I had always been entrepreneurial since my childhood. During my school days, I have run food stalls making and serving pizzas, run a car washing business, run theatre groups doing plays during summer holidays. I started my career with Deloitte and then moved onto working with several startups in India and then in Dubai. During my stint with one of the startups where we were trying to launch a brand, consultants who were advising us were making strategy overrated, marketers were making marketing sound like a myth and branding was like an untouchable convict. I wanted to break this norm and show to the world that it is common sense applied with some logic, and hence The Go-To Guy! was born.

If I have to share my learnings as an entrepreneur, then I would say just two things – Inch wide, mile deep focus is needed, and make sure you move the needle every day.


GL: What has been the most effective way of raising awareness about your business?

Dipankar: Honestly, until now, it’s been through word of mouth and known network through which we have grown. Now we are exploring different avenues to build more business. We have setup presence in Australia, and are in talks with partners in the US and the Middle East. We are trying to reach more ears through this stretched word of mouth approach out of our network as well. Apart from this, digital media is giving us great reach and presence and helping us build awareness. We are a firm believer of building awareness through online and social media and we are moving forward with a well thought strategy for ourselves like we do for our clients.

GL: What are challenges for your business to grow bigger, better and faster from here? What are you doing to tackle them?

Dipankar: We are in a people intensive business. Our assets are our people. Finding the right talent and retaining them is the biggest challenge that we come across. We made our share of mistakes in hiring the wrong people, but we failed fast to learn from our mistakes. We now believe in hiring freshers and/or mid to junior people who have dreams in their eyes, fire in their belly and are open to learning and honing their skills. Our focus is on building a happy team. If we keep them happy, they will keep our clients happy and get us more clients too.

Also read: Third time proves lucky for this entrepreneur duo


GL: You are a Linker. Which offerings of GlobalLinker have helped you? 

Dipankar: I am pretty new to GlobalLinker, I am still exploring it. I really think it’s a great platform for companies like us. Business is all about people, and people need platforms to meet and GlobalLinker is doing exactly that, so it’s amazing. I look forward to engage more on this platform.


GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur setting up their first business?

I still consider myself comparatively new to the field of entrepreneurship, hence I am here to take advice from anyone, but if I have to share my learnings, then I would say just two things – Inch wide, mile deep focus is needed, and make sure you move the needle every day. Big successes are great to come by, but small developments also should be acknowledged, because that is what will help you keep going. I always say one thing to everybody I meet, we entrepreneurs survive on ‘hope’. Every new morning brings in a new ray of hope, so keep the hope always high, and you will find the energy to drive yourself forward.


GL: What is the next big thing for your business?

Dipankar: In the last eight or nine months, we have done decently well. Now we have to go to the next big league and rub shoulders with big names in the advertising industry in India and abroad. We are going global with our digital practice and simultaneously building a presence in Mumbai and Delhi for getting into the big league of advertising and branding in India. We believe ‘Branding is not an untouchable convict’, and we at The GoTo Guy! are trying to break this norm and surprise the world with our simple yet effective strategies.


GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.

Every day you wake up at? My day ends pretty late sometimes, so there are days when I wake up late. However, I make sure, I get 7 hours of sleep and on normal days, I wake up around 7 am.

The first thing you do when you wake up? I check my email quickly if there is anything that needs my immediate attention. I just don’t want to become the bottleneck for any ongoing project, and I reply to only those critical emails.

Three things you do to unwind/ relax? Drive, party and sing.

When you face a big challenge? I ignore it for a while as if it still hasn’t come to me yet, and at the back of my mind constantly look for a solution. The minute something strikes, I bring back the problem from the back burner into my focus and deal with it and move forward.

The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given is “Have inch wide, mile deep focus”

The one book everyone should read is “Good Strategy, Bad Strategy” by Richard Rumelt


Also read: A strategic outside-in perspective is essential for UN-locking opportunities, proves this firm


Network with Dipankar Ghosh by clicking on the 'Connect' button on his profile


Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member. 


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Supriya Mathur

As part of the editorial team on GlobalLinker, I shine the spotlight on business owners who are doing exciting and innovative work by featuring them as part of our 'SME...