Jyothi Gosala, CEO, Shubang Communications

Jyothi Gosala, CEO, Shubang Communications

SME Inspirations

Malavika Jaggi

Malavika Jaggi

247 week ago — 4 min read

Enterprise: Shubang Communications

CEO: Jyothi Gosala
Marketing, Advertising & PR
Year it was founded: 2006
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

Jyothi Gosala started her entrepreneurial journey more than a decade ago when she established Shubang Communications, an advertising, communications, publishing, media agency based in Hyderabad. With inventive marketing communication strategies, Jyothi helps companies grow their products and services. The publishing arm of the business was created in 2008 with a mission to give an opportunity to first time writers/authors to self-publish their books. Jyothi was recently awarded the Karamveer Chakra for her community initiatives.

In conversation with GlobalLinker (GL), Jyothi shares her business journey.

GL: Tell us a little bit about business journey. What motivated and excited you to start it?

Jyothi: Way back in 2006 the market was opening up for entrepreneurs and I made up my mind to be an entrepreneur. That was when I ventured on my pet project of starting a new media agency. I decided to give it a head start and there was no looking back. Shubang Communications was set up as an integrated communications, advertising, media and publishing agency.

Also read: Alok Vedi & Ruchit Jain, Founders, Growider Media LLP

GL: What has been the most effective way of raising awareness about your business?

Jyothi: Word of mouth marketing and quality networking has helped me in creating awareness about my business.

I think the regular insights on business we get from GlobalLinker enable us to take better strategic decisions. I enjoy reading content on the platform as it broadens our horizons.

GL: What are challenges for your business to grow bigger, better and faster from here?

Jyothi: Capital funding has been a big challenge. It was difficult to operate the business without any funding in the initial stage. All savings were used to run the operations. As the brand became popular, clientele grew consistently.

GL: You are a Linker. Which offerings of GlobalLinker have helped you?

Jyothi: I think the regular insights on business we get from GlobalLinker enable us to take better strategic decisions. I enjoy reading content on the platform as it broadens our horizons.

GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur setting up their first business?

Jyothi: Having a business and running it at the initial stage can be very exciting. I would advise wannabe entrepreneurs to tread cautiously and be practical especially about finances. Sustaining a business is very crucial. And if you work with passion, results are bound to follow.

Also read: Ravi Vaka & Manoj Surya, Founders, TruePush

GL: What is the next big thing on your business agenda?

Jyothi: I’ve always dreamt of starting a TV channel. Am not sure if this will result in a positive way but I am eager to give it a try.

GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.

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Network with Jyothi Gosala by clicking on the 'Connect' button on her profile.

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