Piyush Nagar, Founder, SixthSense IT Solutions

Piyush Nagar, Founder, SixthSense IT Solutions

SME இன்ஸ்பிரேஷன்ஸ்

Supriya Mathur

Supriya Mathur

253 வாரத்திற்கு முன்பு — 8 நிமிடம் படிக்க

Enterprise: SixthSense IT Solutions
Founder: Mr Piyush Nagar
Industry: Digital & Technology
Year it was founded: 2009
Indore, Madhya Pradesh

When Mr Piyush Nagar’s initial business venture ran into technology related roadblocks, he used this setback as the launchpad to start SixthSense IT Solutions—focused on helping SMEs with IT consulting and business management.

In conversation with GlobalLinker (GL), Mr Piyush shares his business journey.

GL: Tell us a little bit about the business journey. What motivated and excited you to start it?

Piyush: I started my journey with a business portal, initially, which later couldn’t work like I was expecting, because of technology updates and other market conditions. I tried to dig out the reasons and surprisingly found that other startups must be facing the same issues as well.

Then, with a vision to help out other SMEs and make a solution provider for self and startups like me, I started working on solutions that are not only affordable but sustainable as well. To fulfill my dream, I laid down the foundation of SixthSense IT Solutions in 2009, where I started with limited technologies and available resources, and now it has been an amazing journey of 10+ years.

Always work for the betterment of the client, and come up with a creative and certainly an affordable solution. You might have a brilliant idea, but is that idea feasible for the client? This factor can determine success.


Currently, I am supercharged by a team of more than 40 brilliant minds and professionals working under the shiny flag of SixthSense IT Solutions. The prime motivation was to work for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which were often and still excluded in the strategy and plans part of big firms. I took the responsibility to revamp the SME segment and facelift their current working methods in order to help them out, with increased profit and growth!

Also read: Rajitha Nair, Co-founder, Prenu Services Pvt Ltd

GL: What is the USP of your business?

Piyush: SixthSense IT Solutions mainly focuses on the problems of SMEs which can be catered with a sustainable solution in a limited budget and rapidly. Apart from this, we’re always there to help them out on the call, e-mail or personally, and this separates us from the others. We believe client satisfaction to the fullest, it is our core USP.


 Piyush Nagar founder of SixthSense IT Solutions
Accepting memento for delivering keynote speech on Economy 4.0 at Jaipuria Institute of Management

GL: What has been the most effective way of raising awareness about your business?

Piyush: Initially, it was tough for me to make people aware of my offerings and services, because SMEs are not much on digital platforms, nor do they always have funds to hire a consultant who can suggest to them possible solutions. So, I personally tried to connect with them either on call, e-mail or visit, multiple times.

I also leverage the power of social media, to connect with them. And, worked on my digital presence too. Currently, I have 5000+ visits on my website every quarterly, and many queries for solutions from SMEs.

GL: What are challenges for your business to grow bigger, better and faster from here? What are you doing to tackle them?

Piyush: Challenges were the core source of motivation for me, for this decade long journey and now my team loves them as no one else does.

Current challenges are—rapid change and upgradation of technologies in the digital world, and the expectation of people.

To counter these, we keep updating our brains (team) and impart them with the latest technology updates from experts in the same domain. We also make efforts to learn these new updates ourselves as well and use them to make sure we’re on the same page with the world and its expectations.

Also read: Neeta Goel, CEO, BiolineIndia

GL: What is your leadership style?

Piyush: I always try to remain calm and composed to lead my team and help them out. This also helps me to understand everyone's needs, queries, and issues and suggest them the most practical and the best possible solutions. I believe, being calm is the first leadership quality you need to have if you’re leading people.

GL: You are a Linker. Which offerings of GlobalLinker have helped you? And why should other SMEs use it too?

Piyush: The experience of utilising features of GlobalLinker has been amazing. Most importantly, it supports, brings up and spreads the news about many startups or SMEs which were never heard before, but actually, they are doing an outstanding job. I’d recommend every feature and tool of it to SMEs for their growth!

GL: What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur setting up their first business?

Piyush: Well, there are a lot of things I’d love to share but I’ll share a few of them which I feel are very important.

See, it is a journey and I’d say a beautiful experience starting a startup and taking such a long journey.
Here are four pieces of advice.

First, always work for the betterment of the client, and come up with a creative and certainly an affordable solution. You might have a brilliant idea, but is that idea feasible for the client? This factor can determine your success.

Second, always have a reliable business partner or a strongly supportive and knowledgeable team.

Third, have patience. Don’t rush for results, immediately. There is competition in the market. You have to beat it and come up. So, please remember, things take time. Have faith in yourself, your team and in their capabilities.

And, fourth, always be flexible with few things like technologies, time, meetings, traveling, and of course work culture. This will help you to come out of prejudice, and rigid behaviour. 

GL: What is the next big thing on your business agenda?

Piyush: We’re working on some creative software solutions that will certainly give wings to SMEs. Basically, every SME needs some solutions at grassroot level, to build its foundation. So, we’re working on this now.

GL: We would love to know the person behind the entrepreneur.

  • Every day you wake up at – 6:00 a.m.
  • The first thing you do when you wake up – Pray and feel gratitude for everything I have in my life.
  • Three things you do to unwind – Get involved in client and team interaction, close my eyes and take some deep breaths and start reading tech-blogs.
  • When I face a big challenge – I start finding the best way to break it down in small parts and then execute accordingly.
  • The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given – Always have a big picture (solutions and its impact) before proceeding.
  • The one book everyone should read – Zero to One by Blake Masters and Peter Thiel

Also read: Manish Naidu, CEO, Brainwonders

Network with Piyush Nagar by clicking on the 'Connect' button on his profile.

Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member.



Supriya Mathur

As part of the editorial team on GlobalLinker, I shine the spotlight on business owners who are doing exciting and innovative work by featuring them as part of our 'SME...

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