Advice - A double edged sword

Advice - A double edged sword

ඉගෙනීම සහ සංවර්ධනය

Khyati Shah

Khyati Shah

සතියකට පෙර 181 — අවම 1 කියවීම

Sometimes when people give you advice, they are really just talking to themselves in the past.


Right from childhood, we are smothered with advice from parents, relatives, teachers, neighbours and so on. Often these are contradicting each other, or they are different from what your inner voice is telling you to do.


  • What should you do?
  • Whom do you listen to?


As a general rule, if you feel stirred up by the advice in some way then there is something useful for you to learn.

See this video to know how to do deal with multiple and confusing suggestions.



Also read: Is Toxic Empathy Real?


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Khyati Shah

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